Dr. Ramesh Bhaskaran

Degrees MBBS / MD
Designation Professor
Department Transfusion Medicine

Professor and Head of Department, Transfusion Medicine (since 2021)


Impact of COVID‑19 on Blood Transfusion Services and Strategies Used in Kerala (Glob J Transfus Med 2021)

Comparison of syphilis testing by reverse algorithm and conventional method among blood donors in a tertiary care center (Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences 2022)

Sequential Observation of Antibody Response Pattern at 3 and 6 Months Following ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccination Among Health Care Workers-A Prospective Single Cohort Study (Caspian Journal of Health Research. 2022)

Serosurveillance among healthcare workers vaccinated with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Corona vaccine in a tertiary hospital of Kerala, India: prospective cohort studу (Sechenov Medical Journal 2022)

Is It Time to Switch from Conventional Coombs Crossmatching to the Type and Screen Protocol? (Malays J Med Sci. 2023)

Performance analysis of point‑of‑care testing haemoglobin concentration methods with automated haematology analyser amongst blood donors (J Clin Sci Res 2024)